06 April 2007

Shelving trigger.cdo.linux.org.ph

I am officially bringing down my old tech blog after Holy Week. It has virtually become a sinkhole for all kinds of spam links and I have barely done anything to keep it up-to-date.

Two of the milestones that I've unknowingly and unwittingly accomplished would include (in order, sorry):

1. PR6 (yea, before it went offline for almost a month, and before Google deployed new algorithms sometime in Feb)

2. 20,453 spam comments since I replaced my Wordpress.com API key sometime in Nov, 2006.

Beginning today, I will post techie stuff in this blog. It's the same ol' renamed-a-hundred-times Blogger account, but with a different twist, now that it's using a personalized domain.

Fear not, for my old Blogger URI will still work. I'm just not sure if you will be redirected or if there will be a rewrite. TODO: find out how Blogger does this.


Anonymous said...

yo dude! :D

Anonymous said...

wow, PR6!