07 November 2006

Not walking on glass

I wrote a memo the other day and could not help but emphasize on the importance of using good ol' wit and common sense, when on the internet. I probably had the gall to write these since I'm recklessly doing stuff on Ubuntu and couldn't care less if an intrusion breaks something. LOL. Windoze is like walking on glass. Some of the guidelines I wrote:
4. Browse and click responsibly. Do not be lured by pop-up ads or
participate in online surveys or contests.

5. Stop forwarding chain mail. Although these mails may start as
harmless simple email messages with valid content, you do not know where
it has been! Think clean, and say to yourself: "This chain mail stops
with me." and promptly delete it.

6. Keep you Windows firewall or any other firewall software up! It is
there to protect you and not deprive you of internet activity.


Mike said...

Browse and click responsibly. Do not be lured by pop-up ads or
participate in online surveys or contests

Funny you should bitch about this one when this is exactly the same thing that puts food on the table :)

Jon said...

We don't do pop-ups AFAIK. :)

Mike said...

Hehe no offense on the last comment.

Well, yeah, we don't...but word has it that you know who has been encouraging the peeps that we allow pop-ups when we browse (as in deliberately), I think this was last month...can't remember anymore hehe.